Addressable fire alarm systems

22/11/22 02:45 PM By admin

Addressable fire alarm systems

I have people ask me often, what does "addressable" mean?  Well, in fire alarms, there are two basic types - conventional (zoned) systems, and addressable (point ID) systems.  I like to compare the two like taking a vacation in a new city.  Let's say you head out to visit a friend in a city you don't know very well.  They gave you their address, but no other directions.  15-20 years ago, you would have to stop every few blocks to ask someone (local) if you are getting close.  Now we have GPS/navigation software on our phones, in our cars, and even on smart watches.  All we have to do is punch in the address and the software uses all the data available on the internet, including satellite images, to find that address.  Well, the fire department LOVES addressable fire alarm systems, for the same reason we love GPS.  It gets us where we're going much faster.  The fire department can get a fire alarm call, with a specific smoke detector address, and know right where to go when they send the fire trucks.  They don't want to make 3 stops to ask directions (or search 3 floors of an apartment building) before finding the source of an alarm.  Not when someone's life could be at stake.  Because they provide much more information to the fire department, addressable fire alarm systems save lives.